The Power of Desktop Publishing: Essential for Localization and Translation

The Power of Desktop Publishing: Essential for Localization and Translation <img width=»750″ height=»629″ src=»» alt=»LangLink blog» loading=»lazy» srcset=» 940w,×644.png 768w» sizes=»(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px» /> <strong>Introduction:</strong> Desktop Publishing (DTP) has become an integral part of content creation and communication strategies for businesses worldwide. In this blog post, we will Read more…

Upcoming video games (in Nov ,2023)

Upcoming video games (in Nov ,2023) <img width=»750″ height=»629″ src=»» alt=»LangLInk Games (9)» loading=»lazy» srcset=» 940w,×644.png 768w» sizes=»(max-width: 750px) 100vw, 750px» /> November has arrived, bringing with it an exhilarating lineup of highly anticipated video game releases. As the days get shorter and the weather cools down, gamers everywhere Read more…

LangLink Game LQA process

LangLink Gaming LQA process As a professional and experienced gaming localization company, we have established a standard gaming LQA program. Our gaming LQA consists of 7 steps which cover different scopes and is used to ensure our localized quality, providing the most comprehensive gaming localization experience. LangLink LQA (Localization Quality Assurance) Read more…


汉语语法略谈 October 2022 by LangLink Miller 通晓目标语言语法对于译文品质来说至关重要,因为在理解原文逻辑基础上,将内容以符合目标语言语法的流畅译文表达出来才更受目标受众的青睐。然而有趣的是,本地化从业译者对于探究原文语义、句法较为得心应手,但对于目标语言语法,却常常因为自己是母语使用者而过于自信,疏于注意。本文将从英中翻译工作经常遇到的具体语法问题出发,探讨非汉语专业的译者所需要注意的一些汉语问题,希望抛砖引玉,唤起大家对于汉语语法的注意,激发大家更多的思考。我们直入主题,一起来看四个常见问题吧! 1. 主语问题 主语的选择 处理涉及多个主体的句子时,我们需要先确定各主体之间的关系,然后再选择合适的主语。例如: A visitor link only grants access to one mural. 倘若不假思索,直接逐字翻译,则可译作: 一个访客链接只允许访问一个 Mural。 显然,这里有些不太自然,“访客链接”本身并没有行动能力,后接“允许”并不符合汉语习惯。相反,“访客”似乎是一个更易于接受的主语候选词,我们稍加变动,可以得到另一种译法: 通过一个访客链接,访客仅可访问一个 Mural。 在第二种译法中,我们可以看到,“访客”与“链接”的关系非常明确,“访客”是发起行动者,而“访客链接”仅仅是被动的被利用对象,一种媒介。 我们可以由此总结出一种比较方便的思路:使用有行动能力的主体(如人、群体、机构、系统、器械)作为主语是较佳选择。 类似的案例还有: 1.  But this reason is incorrect, and the invoice is able to be processed. 原译文:但是这个原因并不正确,发票其实能够予以处理。 推荐译文:但是这个原因并不正确,其实能够对发票进行处理。 2. Users with a license can Read more…

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